
The difference between VR movies and 3D movies

2020-01-03 308

When it comes to the main purpose of VR, I believe many people still use it to watch movies. When it comes to watching movies, I believe everyone is no stranger to 3D movies. What is the difference between 3D movies and VR movies?

What is VR video

First of all, VR (virtual reality) technology uses computers to provide users with an interactive immersible virtual three-dimensional space. Its characteristics mainly include multi perception, interactivity and immersion.

In view of this characteristic, VR video is a kind of video that can show the audience a 360 degree panoramic lens and make the audience feel like they are in it.

VR movie = 3D movie?

Not at all! VR film is a new type of film, which is characterized by 360 degree viewing.

When you put on VR glasses and play the movie, you can turn your head to watch every corner of the movie. And when you look behind you, be aware that you may have missed a plot in another direction.

For example, when watching a VR movie, you can stare at the left for two minutes or the right for two minutes. It's your freedom to look everywhere, just like watching a real person on the street. In other words, you can watch a VR movie several times. Each time, it is fresh.

The 3D movie is to produce a realistic three-dimensional effect after the two images are overlapped, and make users have an immersive feeling when watching the movie through special 3D glasses.


Although there is a sense of immersion, it is relatively shallow, and you can only see what the director wants you to see, that is, if the director asks you to see the sky, you can't see the ground.

Differences between VR movies and 3D movies

The difference between the two is that the former has interaction and the latter does not. The so-called interaction, for example, when we watch Jurassic world, in addition to being able to enjoy the Jurassic theme park from the perspective of the protagonist, when dinosaurs appear, we can not only turn our heads to observe the dinosaurs in an all-round way, but also pick up stones (you will feel them when you take stones, provided there are peripherals) and throw them at the dinosaurs!

Even, when we see the paw prints on the ground, we can measure, touch and feel them, that is, we can make the scene respond accordingly according to your actions, which is not available in 3D movies.

VR film shooting requirements

First, the lens cannot be cut casually. In traditional video shooting, you can switch various shooting lenses freely according to the video content without pressure. However, in VR video, due to the particularity of the audience's position, the method of lens narration will be subject to many restrictions, and high coherence should be maintained in the shooting process.

The second is the duration. A VR film is currently less than 10 minutes long. The American film society once discussed VR films at the film festival. The vast majority of participants believed that at present, VR technology is only suitable for shooting short films. However, the production cost of these short films is as high as tens of millions.

Article source: Jiangmen film and television production http://singaporeferragamo.com

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