
Characteristics of film and television advertising

2020-02-21 331

1. Strong intuition

This kind of intuitiveness of film and television advertising can not be compared with any other preface. It transcends the barriers of reading and writing and becomes a more popular publicity preface. Even if you can't read and understand words, you can basically understand or understand the content conveyed in advertisements.

2. Strong impact and appeal

TV is a rational media that can carry out dynamic demonstration, so the impact and appeal of film and television advertising are particularly strong. Because the TV preface reproduces the shape of the message by faithfully recording, that is, it directly affects people's senses and psychology with sound and light signals, so as to obtain the recognition of the audience's perception experience and make the audience feel particularly real, which is difficult to achieve by the advertising of any other media.


3. High ratings

Film and television advertisements pay attention to the use of various means of expression, so that the advertising content is full of interest, enhance the audience's interest in watching advertisements, and the audience rating of advertisements is also relatively high. Film and television advertisements can be seen and listened to. When people don't pay attention to advertisements, their ears still hear the contents of advertisements. Therefore, film and television advertising is simple and eye-catching, and the advertising touch effect is strong.

4. Deepen the image

Film and television advertising is a kind of both audio-visual advertising and continuous moving pictures, which can vividly and prominently show the characteristics of advertising products from all aspects. For example, the appearance, internal structure, use method and effect of advertising products can be displayed one by one in TV, and the audience will be on the scene.

Article source: Jiangmen film and television production http://singaporeferragamo.com

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