
Common ending methods of enterprise promotional films

2020-06-04 344

It is very important for enterprises to publicize the beginning and end of the film, especially the end. This is because people's ideological inertia makes people always remember what happened clearly. Therefore, enterprises should pay special attention to the idea of end in the manufacture of publicity films, and create a good end in order to make publicity films receive a better effect.

The end of the secret script - blessing promotion film ends with a blessing method, such as blessing and condolences to the viewer's body, family, love, etc. The end of the secret script - determined end is the enterprise's determination about a certain enterprise concept, such as perfect service, advanced technology, product quality, public welfare, etc.


End of the script - emphasis emphasis refers to the emphasis on the theme and characteristics of the final enterprise promotion film, which has the effect of deepening the image. The secret of ending - service-oriented service-oriented ending is that the enterprise publicizes the film at the end of the service promise provided by the service object to ensure the interests of customers. The end of the secret script - imperative is to arouse people's emotions. It has the effects of imperative, inspiration, incitement and call. It has an important effect on emotional resonance.

Ending secret script - expression expression expression refers to a natural and natural way to end the whole publicized emotion by expressing and gently. Conclusion summary summary summary is a systematic summary of the whole publicity film, which echoes back and forth to summarize the full text. The ending script - prospect type prospect type refers to an enterprise's prospect of future prospects and market development, which plays an important role in the strategic progress of the enterprise.

There are many ways for enterprises to promote the end of the film. No matter which end should be more natural, it should reach a successful end of emotion, rhythm, theme and plot for the whole promotion film.

Article source: Jiangmen film and television production http://singaporeferragamo.com

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