
What is the system of Jiangmen recording production

2020-06-22 346

1. Recording system

In terms of film and video sound, the first thing to be confirmed is whether to use single audio or dual audio recording system.

What is a single system? In a single system, audio is captured directly into the camera and recorded simultaneously with the picture. In dual system or multi system, sound is captured independently of camera and digital recorder.

The advantage of a single system is that it does not need to synchronize audio in post production, which is advantageous in news and documentary formats that generally need to quickly convert materials.

But if your camera is short of other audio inputs, dual system is an ideal choice. More importantly, the dual system can provide stronger sound quality through higher sampling rate.

We know that when analog signals are converted into digital signals, it is necessary to divide samples from the curve of waveform signals. The number of sampling waves determines the degree of digital conversion and original data conversion. The more samples collected per second, the higher the number.

This process is called quantization and is measured in kilohertz (kHz). For example, 11khz is low-quality sound, and 48Khz is the specification of digital recording.


The dual system can also provide greater bit depth. The term refers to how many different amplitude values each sound sample has. The higher the bit depth, the better the system can record and reproduce the fine fluctuations in the waveform. For example, 16 bit audio is the standard audio of a digital recorder and can capture 65536 different sound values. This contributes to the richness and complexity of recording.

The obvious advantage of dual system may be that audio does not need to be bound to the camera. If your project relies heavily on secure photography, dual system is a good choice, because sound planning will not be damaged, and you can focus on picture photography.

Whether you are using single system or dual system, it is very important to determine which equipment is suitable for your project.

Article source: Jiangmen recording production http://singaporeferragamo.com

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