
Production process of film and television post production

2020-07-01 359

Film and television post production is basically a process of initial cutting - formal arrangement - composition and selection - input - dubbing.

Initial shear:

Also called rough shear. Now the choreography work is generally completed in the computer, so in the future, the photographic data must be input into the computer before the director and choreographer can start the preliminary cutting. In the initial cutting stage, the director will splice the photographic materials in the order of scripts and arrange them into a version without vision, narration and music.

Formal arrangement:

After the initial cutting is recognized, it will enter the formal arrangement stage, which is also called fine cutting. For the fine cutting part, first of all, we should modify the unsatisfactory parts of the initial cutting, and then form the operation of the stunt part into the advertising film, and the operation of the advertising film and picture part is over.

Composition or selection:


The music of advertising films can be composed or selected. The difference between the two is: if you compose music, advertising films will have music, and music can be combined with pictures, but it will be more expensive; If you choose music, it will be more economical in terms of cost, but other advertising films may also use this music.


This stage is a crucial stage. It makes the parts that cannot be photographed or are not well photographed. Here, it will be applied to very professional manufacturing software. Many visual films we see are very good because of the input of this link.

Dubbing composition:

That's when the narration and dialogue end. After the narration and dialogue are finished, and after the music is finished, the sound effect choreographer will match the advertising film with various sound effects. So far, all the factors of the sound part of an advertising film are prepared. The final process is to adjust the sound volume of all the above elements to the appropriate position and form them together.

Article source: Jiangmen film and television production http://singaporeferragamo.com

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